Apply to join the Student Advisory Board!

Applications to join the 2025-26 1stGen@Iowa Student Advisory Board will be accepted from March 10 - April 11, 2025.

What is the 1stGen@Iowa Student Advisory Board?

Founded in 2020, the 1stGen@Iowa Student Advisory Board represents undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who identify as first-gen college students. Board members work in conjunction with the 1stGen@Iowa initiative to help build awareness, inform and educate the campus community, and celebrate the first-gen student identity across campus. 

Advisory Board Leadership

Executive Leadership Team: 1stGen@Iowa Student Advisory Board Coordinator
Emily Kelly

Executive Leadership Team: Undergraduate Representative
Karlie Stoos

Executive Leadership Team: Graduate/Professional Student Representative
Willie Zheng

Undergraduate Student Government First-Generation Constituency Senator
Skylar Halley

2022 Award Ceremony Highlights
First-Gen Celebration Week
First Gen Fest

2024-2025 1stGen@Iowa Student Advisory Board Members

More information coming soon!

Kaylee smiling in front of a textured background

Kaylee Bingham

Undergraduate - Junior

Nursing Interest

A picture of Harry in front of polar bear statues

Harry Bui

Undergraduate - Sophomore

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Science Studies

Skylar smiling, standing in the Engineering Building

Skylar Halley

Undergraduate - Junior

Mechanical Engineering

Aphraditie Hancock

Aphraditie Hancock

Undergraduate - Junior

Social Work

Angelica smiling outside

Angelica Hernandez

Graduate Student

Higher Education & Student Affairs

Yasmin smiling in front of a sunset

Yasmin Herz

Undergraduate - Junior


Jenny smiling in front of a white background

Jenny Jin

Undergraduate - Sophomore


Jayden smiling in a street

Jayden Lo

Undergraduate - Junior

Education Studies and Human Relations

Jocelyn Macias

Undergraduate - Senior


Mishka Mohamed Nour

Mishka Mohamed Nour

Undergraduate - Junior

Electrical Engineering
Pre-Medicine Track

Abdul posing in front of some windows

Abdul Quraishi

Undergraduate - Junior

Pre-Dental Track

Priyanka sitting at a table against a white wall.

Priyanka Singh

Graduate or Professional Student


Jennifer smiling in front of a patterned background

Jennifer Solis

Undergraduate - Junior

Criminology, Law, and Justice

Caroline Sosenko

Caroline Sosenko

Undergraduate - Senior

Human Physiology
Psychology Minor
Pre-Physician Assistant Track

Karlie Stoos

Karlie Stoos

Undergraduate - Senior

Executive Leadership Team: Undergraduate Representative
Health & Human Physiology
Pre-PA Track

Gina smiling against windows

Gina Tran

Undergraduate - Senior

Human Physiology
Pre-Medicine Track

Willie Zheng

Willie Zheng

Graduate or Professional Student

Executive Leadership Team: Graduate/Professional Student Representative 

Nora smiling with the IMU terrace in the background

Nora Zimmermann

Undergraduate - Sophomore

English and Creative Writing
Pre-Law Track