Ted Neal
My journey to becoming a professor was supported by my family, particularly my parents. They always believed in the power of education, something that could never be taken away. My mom, at the age of 70, recently completed her AA. Such a cool thing to watch your mom get her degree. That is the passion I bring to helping others achieve their dreams/goals. I personally have had a long journey that includes a BA in environmental science, business, and economics. A certificate in education and a minor in American history. A masters in k-16 administration and a PhD in science education. I feel like that helps me be able to support a variety of learners. I was a public school teacher for 9 years, have lived in multiple countries, and have visited almost 50 countries to date. While primarily teaching future teachers, I also advise around 100 students a year, a highlight of my job. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

- Education