Kathy Schuh
When I started college I didn't know that I was a first gen student (meaning, I didn't know that it was a thing!). I only learned about being a first-gen student when I was employed by Student Support Services at North Dakota State University as I supported first-gen students. The research that I do now, as a professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Psychology, points to how our experiences link in (or not) with what we are learning in our classes. Certainly, my life experiences came into play in my undergrad and my graduate education. These experiences prompted many missteps through college, but also provided a surprisingly rich, although perhaps different, background from which to approach my work both through college and now. That said, being first gen has not hindered my work, although at times I expect there have been increased challenges because of it. I would like to help other first-gen students build useful links between their own background and their college experience.

- Education