Anna Holland
My path through college wasn’t straightforward. After dropping out of a school that just didn’t fit, I spent some time working full-time in food service before landing at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. I started out thinking I would be a history teacher, but as a student worker in the college’s library, realized that I was meant to be a librarian. After graduating with a BA in History, I worked in a public library and a community college library for a couple years before coming to the University of Iowa for graduate school. As a grad student in the School of Library and Information Science and UI Center for the Book, I maintained a job as a grad assistant at the Iowa Women’s Archives. After graduation, I was offered a job as an archivist here at UIowa where I remain today. For me, college was transformative, but also sometimes overwhelming and not what I expected. I am happy for the opportunity to mentor students who are going through it, even when it’s tough. I live in Iowa City with my husband and son and our miniature poodle. My husband and I are both Iowans from childhood who like spending time outdoors, patronizing FilmScene, and being involved in our faith community.
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