Marcia Lindgren

Associate Professor of Instruction, Ancient Civilization, Classical Languages, and Latin

Going to college was not an option for my parents, who both came from poor backgrounds. They worked extremely hard to create a better life for themselves and for me, their only child. Although I wasn't that interested in going to college, it was important to my parents that I did. The whole college thing worked out pretty well for me, though, because not only did I go to college and get a bachelor's degree, but I went on to earn master's and PhD degrees. Furthermore, I became a teacher so that I could help others realize their dream of a college education. I'm a great believer in Horace Mann's view that education is a great equalizer. Making sure that everyone has access to the education of their choice is the most important thing that we, as citizens, can do—whether that education involves studying in a college or university or training for a craft or trade. An education affords us a world of opportunities that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

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