Corey Landstrom
We’re so glad you’re here! I wish that was something said to me when I started my college career as a first-generation college student. It took me into my third year of college before I had most things figured out. It was a steep learning curve and I know I would have benefited from connecting with other students, faculty, and staff who identified as a first-generation college student. Thankfully, for you the University has thoughtfully and intentionally considered your needs. I like to share when I meet with new students that there likely will be no other time in your life where there will be more people focused on your success than when you are a student. I hope that is true for you and I appreciate an opportunity to be one of these people for you. I think often about my experience as a student and what I found helpful and what could have been made my experience better. It was the simple act of applying to be an orientation advisor that I discovered the broader network of support for students at my alma mater. Knowing who you can contact – even if you don’t have a fully formed question to be asked – can be helpful. You shouldn’t need a secret decoder ring to navigate your experience. It’s valuable when someone like a 1stGen@Iowa Mentor is available to connect with you. We understand the importance of timely and accurate connections and information sharing to help you shape your experience and meet your goals. I am privileged to have worked at several small liberal arts colleges and have seen how those communities of faculty, staff, and students engage to drive student success. The small size of those institutions helped to ensure students were not lost or overlooked and, more importantly, were connected to the right resources in a timely way. As someone who began working at the University in October 2023, I have been heartened to see that there are similar structures here at a very large research university. I look forward to connecting with you if I can be helpful to you. Go Hawks!

- Nursing