Emily Rodriguez
During my time at The University of Iowa, I had many self-doubts in who I was becoming or what I was even doing on the campus to begin with. I would often hear other students talk about parents helping them with resources across campus and connecting them with people who can help them with their time at The University of Iowa. Being a First-Generation low-income Latina, I did not have the same resources as other people. I had built up resiliency and grit throughout all my barriers and hardships and started finding connections on campus through organizations and people who were also like me. I had many moments where I believed I was not going to complete my time here at Iowa as I so much dreamed of doing but knowing that I had to step out of my comfort zone to find these resources and connect with such amazing professionals, mentors, and students on campus is why I am at the place I am today. I want to become this person for as many students as I can and help them along their journey at The University of Iowa, because everybody belongs here, and all students should have someone who can help with the resources on campus.
- Campus Offices & Services